
Hikma Pharmaceuticals


Items designated as Rx can only be sold to licensed facilities or agencies where these items are then dispensed under the authority of the prescribing physician/medical director. Life-Assist does not fill prescription scripts or fill orders for prescriptions items that are used outside of a licensed practice or service.

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Questions and Answers


How long is Rocuronium good for once it's out of the fridge?

Danielle S.- On Wednesday, 04 August 2021


According to the Rocuronium package insert: "Rocuronium Bromide Injection should be stored in a refrigerator, 2º to 8ºC (36º to 46ºF). DO NOT FREEZE. Upon removal from refrigeration to room temperature storage conditions (25ºC/77ºF), use Rocuronium Bromide Injection within 60 days. Use opened vials of Rocuronium Bromide Injection within 30 days."

Jim L.- answered On Wednesday, 04 August 2021


Can normal citizens purchase Rocuronium?

Anonymous- On Thursday, 11 April 2024


No, Rocuronium is an Rx item, and can only be purchased by agencies with medical direction.

Jim L.- answered On Thursday, 11 April 2024

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